For a Full Stack Developer, there is always the dilemma between focusing on the Back End Database and Microservices or giving our sweat to the development of a beautiful, well-designed and interactive/intuitive User Interface.
Now, don't get me wrong, dedicating time to all the areas of a App structure is important as the client will buy the Front End, but he will come back for more implementation if the application works well (hence, a good server structure). For me, server development has always come easier as structuring all the req and res, GET POST and so on seems more intuitive (just like telling a story about a user that clicks, so the server does "this", and "that" happens). Front End on the other hand was always a tricky non mathematical equation that resembles the efforts and struggles DaVinci had to draw Mona Lisa. Where the user will look, where is more intuitive for my Western group of users to click, if an image is better being a circle or a square, how opaque the image should be... So the approach by everyone is always the same: if (money) {
hire a UX/UI specialist
} else {
for (let n=0;n<10000000000000000; n++) {
change code && check how it looks on the browser
So, a lot of time is spent just checking (thousands of time) how your design looks if you change 2px to the right.
This is specially true when one is developing such complex, and UI focused systems like Program Coffee's new marketplace.
For this, we (me) started digging into a quick scan on the updates we have got for UI development and on React and then the surprise!
Codux was created (yes, I am late, it was on the 5th of last Dec and I didn't notice until recently) and it checks all the marks for what speeding React, Typescript and CSS development is all about! Reactjs development with codux has a main interactive Visual Editing screen where the user can easily rearrange or select items by clicking, dragging and dropping. It has panels for selecting new HTML elements, and React Components! Panel for Properties, Styles. And, Best Of All: It is fully integrated with VS Code!!!, which means you can easily write down code on VS and see >in real time< the changes on your UI!!!
So Program Coffee took a deep dive into how to make the best use of it to develop the Front End side of our client's projects and of our own Marketplace way faster!!!
For now, what I can say is: use it! You won't regret! It just makes sense for React devs, but it is a great tool for UI/UX folks trying to ship React pages for their team.
The way I started was from their intro video but Fireship also gives a great first overview of Codux.
In the near future we will try to upload a video with a short tutorial on how to create a nice Full Stack project with Codux (ReactJS, TS, CSS) and NodeJS + MongoDB on the Backend and Database to show how much faster it is.
I hope to see you all soon!